Group Class Guide

See Distance Learning update: Fall 2020 Schedule

The Pre-Twinkle group program serves as an introductory period before committing to a schedule of individual lessons:

Group Prerequisites Purpose / Focus
Class observation within 2 weeks before or after By appointment
Suzuki overview – philosophy and practical applications
Technique instruction
Ongoing discussion group on music education and child development topics
Pre-Twinkle A Age 3+ and Parent Orientation Sat 9:15-10:00
Social interactions, gross motor skills and fine motor skills activities, foundations for rhythm and pitch, etc.
Listening, singing, and moving emphasized as basic tools for experiencing and making music
Pre-Twinkle B Kindergarten or by approval TBD
(Pre-Twinkle A also required)

Technique instruction via short lesson segments during a time shared with other children
Leadership role in Pre-Twinkle A
(Transition to individual lessons) When the pacing of longer individual lessons is appropriate for the child’s emotional, physical, and musical foundations OR if the parent wishes to continue with his/her own technique and share a lesson time with the child
(Siblings) A younger sibling typically starts by sharing the older sibling’s lesson time or may join Pre-Twinkle separately

The following violin groups are in addition to regular individual lessons:

Group Prerequisites Purpose / Focus
Twinkle “Getting ready” independently most of the time
Twinkle Variation A independent
At least 2 other Twinkle rhythms
Sat 10:15-10:55
Introduction to using the violin in taking turns, listening, and following in a group
Continuing development of musicianship through singing and moving
Previewing future skills
Book 1A Twinkle variations polished
Song of the Wind fluent
Sat 10:15-10:55
Listening and following in a group
Continuing development of musicianship through singing and moving
Introduction to solo performing
Reinforcing early/mid book 1 technique and musicality
Previewing future skills
Assorted activities to prepare music reading
Book 1B Perpetual Motion fluent Book 1A schedule
Continuing development of performing skills
Introduction to visual rhythm and pitch patterns
Introduction to reading and ensemble skills
D major / transposition
Book 1.5 G major finger pattern, scale, arpeggio (Etude fluent) Sat 2:05-2:45
Combined Orchestra by approval

G major / E minor / transposition
Fingerboard geography & note names
Supplementary ensemble pieces
Reinforcing mid/late book 1 technique and musicality
Previewing future skills
Introduction to music notation
Introduction to leadership
Book 2 Musette fluent Sat 1:30-2:00 on selected weeks
(Primary/Combined Orchestra also required)
Chamber Ensemble by approval

Fingerboard geography & note names
Supplementary ensemble pieces
Reinforcing book 2 technique and musicality
Previewing future skills
Continuing development of reading and ensemble skills
Book 5+ By approval Shared with orchestra/book 2
Orchestra By approval & placement Various
Development of reading and ensemble skills in orchestral context (classical, contemporary, and traditional/folk selections)
Beginning study of music theory/vocabulary and classical music history

Music Enrichment & Literacy groups focus on reading and ensemble skills away from the instrument and are therefore open to both violinists and non-violinists:

Group Prerequisites Purpose / Focus
Reading A Violin: All Twinkles independent
Other: age 5-7 & instrument experience
Sat 11:00-11:45 on selected weeks
Introduction to 1-, 2-, and 5-line staves
Line vs. space notes, step vs. skip patterns, high and low melodic contour
Note identification on treble staff (bass staff and grand staff as needed)
Note identification on the instrument
Beat and rhythm exploration using pitched and non pitched percussion
Reading B Violin: Perpetual Motion independent
Other: age 8+ by approval
Sat 11:00-11:45 on selected weeks
(Combined Orchestra as needed)

Rhythm writing and counting by various counting and syllable systems
Preparation of percussion parts for Combined Orchestra
Preparation for beginning string orchestra experience

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